Appliances The Second Time it Began to Rain in my Basement Part 1: Not again! I wasn’t home for this one. If you didn’t know, I’m also a high school biology teacher. I get up pretty early and am off to work by 6:30 or so every morning. Normally my ride is uneventful; a podcast or some music all the way to the west side as […]
Home Repair and Maintenance The Time it Rained Inside My House- A Cautionary Tale Know where your main water shutoff is located from the moment you move into your house. Find it during the final walkthrough before closing if you can. It might save you a lot of frustration, time, and money.  Background      When my family first moved into our home, I knew very early on where […]
Uncategorized House Selling Inspection / Appraisal 101: Choosing an Appraiser / Inspector Planning to sell your home? Choosing the right home appraiser and inspector helps ensure a smoother transaction. Here’s how to select the best person for the job. Choose a licensed and certified professional. Before hiring an appraiser or inspector, make sure they have the necessary credentials and experience to provide an accurate assessment of your property. […]
Uncategorized Market Value and How it Affects Your Home: Home Condition and Renovations If you’ve recently made renovations (or are considering specific upgrades), it may be time to get a new comparative market analysis for your home. Here’s how targeted renovations can affect your property’s resale value. Interior vs. exterior: Based on compelling reports, certain renovations are more impactful at directly increasing market value of a home. Interestingly, research has […]
Uncategorized Market Value And How It Affects Your Home: What Is Comparative Market Analysis? Even if you’re not considering selling your home any time soon, it’s wise to know the market value of your property; having a clear understanding of your home’s selling potential can help guide you in a wide range of financial decisions. The best way to determine a property’s market value is by using Comparative Market […]
Uncategorized Prepare Your Home for the Holidays The holiday season is upon us – and for many of us, that means inviting friends and family into our homes for festive gatherings. Here are some tips on preparing your house for holiday parties and get-togethers. Clean and declutter. Before you pull out your holiday decorations, spend some time cleaning the high-traffic areas of your […]
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